There are two publications that describe the XRTG4 package and extensions:
- A generic x-ray tracing toolbox in Geant4, Proc. SPIE 7360, EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space, 73600Z (April 30, 2009)
- X-ray tracing using Geant4, NIMA Volume 599, Issues 2–3, 11 February 2009, Pages 260–263
Publications mentioning XRTG4
- X-ray performance and simulation study of lobster eye optics, Proc. SPIE 11444, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray; 114447C (2020)
- Source position determination method of multiplexing lobster-eye optics, Proc. Volume 11444, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray; 114447E (2020)
- Geant4 simulations of a wide-angle x-ray focusing telescope, Exp Astron 43, 267–283 (2017)
- Geant4 simulation for the responses to X-rays and charged particles through the eXTP focusing mirrors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 963, 21 May 2020, 163702
- Simulation of a Typical Wolter-I X-ray Telescope Using the Geant4 Toolkit, Instrum Exp Tech 66, 451–455 (2023)
- Estimate of the background and sensitivity of the follow-up X-ray telescope onboard Einstein Probe, Astroparticle Physics, Volume 137, April 2022, 102668